Saturday, June 2, 2007

Living life with Miracles

Matter of fact, we don't see many "Miracles Happening" in our lives, rather we see miraculous technology grooming everywhere.

Did we miss them?
Are they targeted somewhere else?
Are we loosing them?

We might see few of them or read in news papers.
Do we know how these miracles happen? I am not blogging about technological miracles here...but TRUE miracles where by mind cannot perceive the reasoning behind it. We regard more of them as magic. Miracles do happen in everyone's life.
We just don't get it or miss it or sometimes take them as granted.
If we clearly analyze each one of these miracles, we find that we don't plan for miracles.

Miracles HAPPEN when we are fully engrossed deeply enjoying our every moment of our life.
At such moments, logics & logistics of life would be lost.
We forget our bounds of society. We become timeless.

This dwells in the path to the miracles which is very simple.

Living a life playfully & cheerfully with NO planning would be a path for miracles!

Keep them coming as they would be waiting to enter into our lives.
Don't throw away opportunities happening around you, just accept it.
But don't take them for granted, be very grateful.
Be a clear "NO" to the society's hard coded programs...Remove the boundaries of society.
This will lead to endless miracles of miracles.

What is absolute

In reality, apart from the very absolute, nothing is absolute. There is always a margin for error. Every answer has both merit and weakness, both truth and false perception. Can we see the energy? we can only perceive the energy but we can see the matter. It is so called duality of every atom we see, perceive & experience out of matter. All "facts" are temporary as you can see they change every moment. A certain piece of knowledge may be accepted as popular truth but prone to change in the future when the supporting elements change. It was once a fact that the earth was flat, once a fact that bloodletting cured all ills, once a fact that tomatoes were poisonous... Those were supposed to be facts because there was no scientific evidence to prove otherwise. But it's easy to believe that with the billions of stars in our galaxy, with billions of planets circling them, on a few of them there must be conditions that would support life and that perhaps some of that life has evolved into intelligent life- I call it as "Common Denominator". There's no scientific evidence that there is life after death yet so many great thinkers and spiritual leaders truly believe there is a hereafter and there are many that say they've witnessed it. And there are several theories proposed by renowned scientists on how something in one place in the universe can suddenly blink into another place (electron teleportation, superstring theory) like the luminosity near the horizon. Perhaps one day the "facts" of today will be the myths of yesterday. And visa versa - our myths may become reality.

Ultimate truth

One may wonder if ultimate truth exists at all!
My logic says it does...

Even then, our logical minds are far from comprehending & realizing the ultimate truth as it doesn't look that simple.

To know a thing you must know EVERYTHING about it.

Suppose, if we want to analyze a simple object such as stone, we got to understand the functionality, atomic structure, patterns, its life, its reason of existence, its purpose, its relationship with other objects, etc etc etc!

Such a task is humanly impossible for even a small thing, let alone "life, the universe, and everything." HAHAHA!

Should that stop us from trying? No.

Why resist our curious nature to know the ultimate TRUTH?

Unexamined Lives?

Socrates said that "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Never be afraid to look foolish in your ideas.
The greatest minds of science, philosophy, and religion are not gods, nor can they see what the future holds.
Never accept such greatest minds or related anything as an "Absolute", unless you experience it within.
Question those authorities.

Examine what you experience, read, learn, with a "Critical" eye.
Take risk...Life without risk is not worthy enough!
Prove yourself right and then prove yourself wrong.
Reality will be what you make it to be.

"How many of us examine their lives, how many start riding this path of enquiry & how many do succeed becoming absolute??"